MiddletownYouth Baseball & Softball
Parent/Guardian/Fan CODE OF CONDUCT
The most frequent complaints parents have about youth sports are playing time allotted their children, positions played in the field, and positions in the batting order.
The coach is the one person who sees each child in practice and works to improve that individual’s play. Where a child plays in the field, bats in the lineup and how much he/she plays are strictly up to the coach.
Coaches are not paid to coach MYBBSB teams. They volunteer their time and put in long hours that can, at times, interfere with their jobs and family life. It is important for parents to understand this and respect the men and women who take the time to help your child improve as a ballplayer and person.
Please, if you have to discuss any issues with the coach, the director, or a Board member, do it in a reasonable manner. Any outburst by a parent, coach, umpire or Board member will not be tolerated by the League.
A Code of Conduct Board has been formed to address violations. If a parent, coach, player, umpire, or spectator violates the Code, the Board will gather all information and render a decision. All decisions will be final. It is important for each parent to understand and follow the Code of Conduct.
Violation of any part of the Code will result in removal from the ballpark’s premises and a suspension from the following game. A second violation will result in suspension from all Little League activities for the remainder of the calendar year.
All parents/guardians/adults are expected to abide by the following rules:
I am appreciative of the time and energy which MYBBSB officials, coaches and volunteers generously give to my child and will support them with their approach and their determination as to the role of each participant.
I will review MYBBSB/Little League/Babe Ruth rules and the CODE of CONDUCT with my child to ensure that we all understand and follow them.
I will follow all Little League rules and conduct myself in accordance of these rules as outlined in the Little League Rule book.
I will make every effort to have my child attend each practice and game. I will pick my child up promptly, within 15 minutes from practice or game. I will notify the coach if someone else will take my child home.
I will not use or tolerate the use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs or anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs during any Little League event or after any MYBBSB event while still on city property. This includes playing fields, stands, and parking lots.
I will be responsible for my behavior and the behavior of other family members and friends who attend games. I understand that I/we may be asked to leave if our behavior is not appropriate. I understand that all games are played on city property and by refusing to leave I may be subject to arrest.
I will not tease, taunt or direct verbal abuse toward any fan, coach, umpire or player. I will not use profanity toward any participant, coach, umpire or league official.
I will not petition or incite other parents, fans, umpires or players against a coach or anyone else involved in MYBBSB.
I will reinforce to my child the qualities of being part of a team and placing personal objectives second to team objectives.